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Kisi Kisi Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK dan Peket C

Kisi Kisi Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK dan Peket C - UTS atau sering disebut juga Asesmen Tengah Semester adalah sebuah penilaian yang dilakukan pada pertengahan semester. biasanya diadakan di bulan Maret dan bulan Oktober. Hal ini dilakukan agar siswa lebih siap dalam menempuh UAS (Ujian Akhir Semester).

Dalam tulisan kali ini, saya akan berbagi kisi-kisi soal UTS untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris, jadi sobat bisa belajar terlebih dahulu sebelum menghadapi UTS mendatang.

Kisi Kisi Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK dan Peket C

1. Raisa : I don’t know whether I will take the scholarship or not. It does not cover the plane ticket. I don’t have enough money for it.

Hamish : ..........

Raisa : Thank you a million. That’s very kind of you. 

Which of the following sentences best fill the blank?

A. I’ll find a sponsor for you, if you want.

B. Can you find a sponsor?

C. You’d better to leave the scholarship.

D. I don’t mind if you don’t take it.

E. I’ll be happy, if you take it.

2. Dian : The cake is scrumptious! I love it.

Joni : …... another piece?

Dian : Thank you. You should tell me the recipe. 

Joni : I will. 

Which of the following offering expressions best fill the blank?

A. Do you mind if you have

B. Would you like

C. Shall you hav

D. Can I have you

E. I will bring you

3. Fitri : The French homework is really hard. I don’t feel like to do it. 

Rahmat : …... to help you?

Fitri : It sounds great. Thanks, Rahmat!

Which of the following offering expressions best fill the blank?

A. Do you mind if I

B. Would you like me

C. Shall I

D. Can I

E. I will

Topik: Statistics Reading


Sumber gambar: meros.jp 

What is the picture describing?

A. The students are arguing with their lecturer.

B. The students are listening to their lecturer.

C. The students are watching their preacher.

D. The teacher is angry with their students.

E. The students detest the preacher

Topik: Job Application Letters

For questions 5-7

5. The following phrase, Dear Mr. Gilhooley, from the passage above functions as a….

A. salutation

B. introduction

C. body

D. closing

E. signature

6. The second paragraph from the passage above functions as a….

A. salutation

B. introduction

C. body

D. closing

E. signature

7. The applicant possesses some strengths for success in the position he applied for, except….

A. To strive for continued excellence

B. To provide incredible contributions

C. To have successfully developed and designed live use applications

D. To have successfully designed and supported live use applications

E. To have successfully developed and made live use applications


Sumber gambar: eonline.com

The puppy is very ......; thus everyone wants to take a photo with it.

A. adorable

B. furious

C. drowsy

D. exhausted

E. grumpy


Sumber: blogs.ntu.edu.sg

Which of these following statements is correct based on the diagram above?

A. The number of domestic tourists is not always higher than the number of international tourists.

B. The number of international tourists is always high unlike the number domestic tourists.

C. The number of domestic tourists is always higher than the number of international tourists.

D. The number of domestic tourists is low.

E. The number of international tourists decreases every year.


​The birth rate has been ... since 1980.

A. unchanging

B. stagnant

C. high

D. low

E. stable

Jadi buat sobat nih yang bingung kira-kira soal apa yang keluar, nah diatas sudah saya share ya. 

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